Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Since the death of my mom a few months back, I keep having a repeating theme to my dreams. I keep finding myself LOST. In my dream, I search and search for a place I've been to before (last night it was Falls Creek) but the harder I search for it...the farther away I become. I meet the kindest strangers along the way, but still I find myself worried and weary because " I just can't get there" no matter how hard I try.

When I meet people in my dream, they are always helpful, but they never manage to give good directions. Most of the time they have never been to or heard of the place I am trying to find.

Usually I go in circles, often times I can sense that the ones I am supposed to be with are searching for me. I always awaken from "LOST with feelings of loss and despair.

Come on, dream readers, how come I keep getting LOST?


Randy said...

I think when we lose our parents we are a little like ship set adrift. Now... I am only guessing because currently my bow line is still tied fast to the dock.

I think that no matter how old and grown up we are and how independent we THINK we are, there is always a little voice in the back of our mind that says that if we get in trouble or need some direction we can go to our parents. So when we are suddenly “alone” for the first time we become very sensitive to the fact that “it” is all on our shoulders. And we worry that we will not be able to hold the course or achieve our goals without the availability of parental direction.

Our siblings, children and friends can’t fill that void until we decide to let them. Remember we are all in this together. All humans fear inadequacy, failure or what ever you want to call it, in some form or another. And we all deal with it in different ways. Rest assured that there are so many of us fumbling around in the darkness we are destined to bump into each other and when we do we can hold on long enough to get our bearings and set our sights on the next stop on our journey. All the nice people you meet in your dream are just others that are searching also. They can’t help you find your destination any more than you can help them find theirs. But you can use that interaction as a buoy to catch your breath and survey the situation or just as a chance to lean back, relax and soak up some sun and rest up a bit. See…. It really is about the journey and who you meet and what you see and do along the way. Otherwise when we reached our goal or destination it would all be over. And that would suck.

Or it could be that in your dream you are suffering from a hormonal imbalance and your elevated testosterone has caused you to loose the ability to ask for directions. Your choice….

I can’t help you if it is the whole testosterone issue but if you need a buoy now and again give me a call. I don’t have any answers but I float pretty well.

ljgraphics said...

Wow, dreams about being lost mean exactly what you would think they mean, that you are feeling lost. It could suggest that you have lost your direction in life or that you have lost sight of your goals. Do you feel you are heading down the right path? Or is some situation overwhelming you and making you feel totally lost? Asking for directions would suggest that you are definately searching for something...on your path towards...what? Falls Creek could represent a happy time or safe place or even spirituality. Of course asking for directions could just mean that you are a Woman! Someone has to find the right course and it looks like it's going to be you.

Rick said...

If you find a dream reader, send them my way, too. I often have dreams where I have lost things (or they are stolen from me). The search for these items almost always takes place in the old neighborhood or in Lawton.